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【完全版】GRE英単語例文集①|GRE General Test攻略のための必須英単語2163


【完全版】GRE英単語例文集①|1. abandon~100. antidote


本サイトはGRE General Test 攻略のための必須英単語 2163に掲載されている英単語の例文集①(1. abandon~100. antidote)です。







GRE General Test攻略のための必須英単語2163|1. abandon~100. antidote


1. abandon [verb]


to leave a place, thing, or person, usually for ever:

During the snow storm, many people made the decision to abandon their cars on the highway.


2. abase [verb]


to make yourself seem to be less important or to not deserve respect:

My jealous sister tried to abase me by making fun of my reading glasses.


3. abate [verb]


to become less strong:

I hope this medicine will abate the pain in my leg.


4. abdicate [verb]


to give up a position as king, or to fail to take responsibility for something:

The young prince became king after his older brother decided to abdicate the throne.


5. aberrant [adjective]


different from what is typical or usual, especially in an unacceptable way:

When the astronomer looked into the telescope, he was shocked by the sight of a star moving in an aberrant path.


6. abet [verb]


to help or encourage someone to do something wrong or illegal:

He abetted the thief in robbing the bank.


7. abeyance [noun]


a state of not happening or being used at present:

Hostilities between the two groups have been in abeyance since last June.


8. abhor [verb]


to hate a way of behaving or thinking, often because you think it is not moral:

They abhor all forms of racial discrimination.


9. abhorrent [adjective]


morally very bad:

He spoke of the abhorrent crimes that had been committed under the regime.


10. abject [adjective]


the state of being extremely unhappy, poor, unsuccessful, etc.:

This policy has turned out to be an abject failure.



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11. abjure [verb]


to say formally or publicly that you no longer agree with a belief or way of behaving:

They were compelled to abjure their faith.


12. abound [verb]


to exist in large numbers:

The forests abound with deer, birds and squirrels.


13. abreast [adjective]


used to say that two or more people are next to each other and moving in the same direction:

The boat came abreast of us and signalled us to stop.


14. abridge [verb]


to make a book, play, or piece of writing shorter by removing details and information that is not important:

His agent told him that he needed to abridge some of the content of his novel so that it would be under 400 pages.


15. abrogate [verb]


to end a law, agreement, or custom formally:

You cannot abrogate anyone's right to free speech.


16. abscission [noun]


the separation or falling off of part of a plant:

Abscission of leaves occurs during autumn, before winter sets in.


17. abscond [verb]


to go away suddenly and secretly in order to escape from somewhere:

Do you think he has plans to abscond with the stolen money?


18. abstemious [adjective]


not doing things that give you pleasure, especially not eating good food or drinking alcohol:

Gerald was abstemious at dinner and only ate a little of the food on his plate.


19. abstruse [adjective]


not known or understood by many people:

Some of the classic novels are too abstruse for beginning readers to understand.


20. absurd [adjective]


ridiculous or completely unreasonable:

It seems quite absurd to expect anyone to drive for 3 hours just for a 20-minute meeting.






21. abusive [adjective]


using rude and offensive words:

Children with an abusive parent have a higher chance of growing up to be as equally violent and cruel to their own children.


22. abysmal [adjective]


very bad:

He was fired because of his abysmal job performance.


23. accede [verb]


to agree to do what people have asked you to do:

At your insistence and to avoid a prolonged argument, I will accede to your contract terms.


24. accolade [noun]


praise and approval:

During the monthly meeting, the company president will present an accolade to the employee of the month.


25. accord [verb]


to treat someone specially, usually by showing respect:

The entire table was in accord that mozzarella sticks would be the appetizer.


26. accretion [noun]


a gradual increase or growth by the addition of new layers or parts:

The accretion of traffic accidents and drunk driving was attributed to the opening of the new downtown mall.


27. accrue [verb]


to increase in number or amount over a period of time:

Interest will accrue on the account at a rate of 7%.


28. acculturate [verb]


to change so that you become more like people from a different culture, or to make someone change in this way:

How did Hispanics acculturate to life in America?


29. acerbic [adjective]


used to describe something that is spoken or written in a way that is direct, clever, and cruel:

After John heard his teacher’s acerbic comments, he was not motivated to complete his project.


30. acidulous [adjective]


sour or sharp in taste:

The acidulous drink burned my tongue.






31. acquit [verb]


to decide officially in a law court that someone is not guilty of a particular crime:

Even though the judge believed the defendant was guilty, he could say nothing when the jury acquitted the man of all charges.


32. acrimony [noun]


anger, argument, and bad feeling:

This book review was written with acrimony.


33. actuarial [adjective]


relating to the work of an actuary, or to the job of being an actuary:

The company's actuarial report is available on demand.


34. acumen [noun]


skill in making correct decisions and judgments in a particular subject, such as business or politics:

John’s business acumen, along with his computer skills, made him an asset to the software company.


35. adamant [adjective]


impossible to persuade, or unwilling to change an opinion or decision:

Robert, a first-year physics student, is adamant in his decision to peruse a career in engineering.


36. adjunct [noun]


something added or connected to a larger or more important thing:

My math teacher was adjunct faculty and did not work for the school full time.


37. admonish [verb]


to tell someone that they have done something wrong:

Cops can admonish anyone who goes over the speed limit.


38. adolescence [noun]


the period of time in a person's life when they are developing into an adult:

When children reach the period of adolescence, they crave freedom to make their own choices.


39. adore [verb]


to love and respect someone very much, or to like something very much:

Because the older gentleman saved her from a terrible fate, the young girl chose to adore him with all of her heart, believing him to be a hero.


40. adroit [adjective]


very skillful and quick in the way you think or move:

She is a remarkably adroit and determined politician.






41. adulation [noun]


very great admiration or praise for someone, especially when it is more than is deserved:

Although Jason was a famous celebrity, he was very uncomfortable with the adulation from his fans.


42. adulterate [verb]


to make food or drink weaker or to lower its quality, by adding something else:

The restaurant was fined for trying to adulterate the beef with cheap meats.


43. adumbrate [verb]


to give only the main facts and not the details about something, especially something that will happen in the future:

The project's objectives were adumbrated in the report.


44. adversarial [adjective]


involving people opposing or disagreeing with each other:

Relations in the industry between labor and management remained adversarial and often inflexible.


45. aerie [noun]


the nest of an eagle or other large bird that eats meat, usually built in a high place that cannot be easily reached:

While hiking in the hills, we spotted a hawk leave its aerie on the cliff.


46. affable [adjective]


friendly and easy to talk to:

People enjoy eating at that restaurant because the waitresses are always so affable.


47. affected [adjective]


artificial and not sincere:

The gesture appeared both affected and stagy.


48. affiliate [verb]


to cause a group to become part of or form a close relationship with another, usually larger, group, or organization:

All youth groups will have to affiliate to the National Youth Agency.


49. affinity [noun]


a liking or sympathy for someone or something, especially because of shared characteristics:

Although Adam is very different than me, I have an affinity for him which I cannot describe.


50. affirm [verb]


to state something as true:

I can't affirm that no one will lose their job.



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51. affluent [adjective]


having a lot of money or owning a lot of things:

Only affluent families could afford the top-dollar price tags attached to the homes in that neighborhood.


52. aggrandize [verb]


to make someone more powerful or important:

She often aggrandizes herself and disparages her colleagues.


53. aggravate [verb]


to make a bad situation worse:

Stress and lack of sleep can aggravate the situation.


54. aggregate [verb]


to combine into a single group or total:

Schools often use test scores to aggregate students into classes based on intelligence.


55. aggrieve [verb]


to make someone unhappy and angry:

The villagers felt deeply aggrieved by the closing of the railway station.


56. aghast [adjective]


suddenly filled with strong feelings of shock and worry:

She was aghast at the extent of the damage to her car.


57. akimbo [adjective]


If a person's arms are akimbo, they are bent at the elbows with the hands on the hips:

The police ordered Jason to keep his arms akimbo and his feet spread apart while they performed a body search.


58. alacrity [noun]


speed and eagerness:

He accepted her offer with alacrity.


59. albatross [noun]


something or someone you want to be free from because that thing or person is causing you problems:

The issue has become a political albatross for the government.


60. albeit [conjunction]



I am a huge fan of Madonna’s music, albeit I do not own any of her albums.







61. alienate [verb]


to make someone feel that they are different and not part of a group:

The restaurant owner hesitates to change his menu because he does not want to alienate his regular customers.


62. allay [verb]


If you allay a strong emotion felt by someone, such as fear or worry, you cause them to feel it less or to feel calm again:

A good teacher will work hard to allay the concerns of a new student.


63. allegation [noun]


a statement, made without giving proof, that someone has done something wrong or illegal:

The professor made an allegation of cheating against his student.


64. allege [verb]


to say that someone has done something illegal or wrong without giving proof:

In the lawsuit, the parents allege the school system failed to protect their daughter from bullies.


65. allegory [noun]


a story, play, poem, picture, or other work in which the characters and events represent particular qualities or ideas that relate to morals, religion, or politics:

Santa Claus is an allegory that illustrates how one person can change the world by giving.


66. alleviate [verb]


to make something bad such as pain or problems less severe:

To alleviate hunger in our town, each employee of our company donated five cans of food.


67. alloy [verb]


to reduce the purity of by mixing with a less valuable metal:

By alloying tin with copper to make bronze, we obtain a metal which is much tougher than copper alone.


68. allure [verb]


to entice by charm or attraction:

Enticed by the possibility of making a lot of money, the investor saw the start-up as an alluring business opportunity.


69. aloof [adjective]


not friendly or willing to take part in things:

In mythology, the Gods are generally aloof from mankind.


70. amalgamate [verb]


to join or unite to form a larger organization or group, or to make separate organizations do this:

The two companies will amalgamate in a mutually beneficial merger next week.





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71. ambivalent [adjective]


having two opposing feelings at the same time, or being uncertain about how you feel:

He has an ambivalent attitude towards her.

72. ambrosia [noun]


a very pleasant food:

After their diet of the last few days, anything would taste like ambrosia.


73. ameliorate [verb]


to make a bad or unpleasant situation better:

Scratching your eye will not ameliorate the itching.


74. amenable [adjective]


willing to accept or be influenced by a suggestion:

My husband never complains about anything and is amenable to all my vacation suggestions.


75. amend [verb]


to change the words of a text, especially a law or a legal document:

Chris said that he would amend the bill before the year’s end due to the public outcry.


76. amiable [adjective]


pleasant and friendly:

Because she was nice to all her fellow students, my cousin Sally was voted the most amiable female at her school.


77. amicable [adjective]


relating to behavior between people that is pleasant and friendly, often despite a difficult situation:

If you were a bit more amicable, people would not be afraid to approach you.


78. amity [noun]


a good relationship:

The purpose of the treaty is to help the two countries develop amity so they can live in cooperation instead of in war.


79. amoral [adjective]


without moral principles:

He grew up to be an amoral man because his parents never told him the difference between right and wrong.


80. amortize [verb]


to reduce a debt or cost by paying small regular amounts:

The businessman was able to amortize his building loan by paying monthly payments on the first and the 15th.




81. ample [adjective]


more than enough:

Please feel free to invite friends because there will be ample food and drinks at the party.


82. amulet [noun]


an object worn because it is believed to protect against evil, disease, or unhappiness:

One of the skeletons has an amulet of coal about its neck.


83. anachronism [noun]


someone or something placed in the wrong period in history, or something that belongs to the past rather than the present:

These days the habit of introducing yourself to a new neighbor with a welcome gift has become an anachronism.


84. analgesic [adjective]


used to stop people from feeling pain, or relating to the stopping of pain:

Some women prefer to avoid analgesic medication during childbirth.


85. anathema [noun]


something that is strongly disliked or disapproved of:

The epidemic which killed dozens of small children was an anathema to the residents of the town.


86. anecdotal [adjective]


based on reports or things someone saw rather than on proven facts:

Their research was based largely on anecdotal evidence.


87. anechoic [adjective]


free from echoes and reverberations:

Noise is measured in anechoic room.


88. anemic [adjective]


without any energy and effort:

Although the woman was anemic, she made one final push in order to deliver her baby.


89. anesthetize [verb]


to give anesthetic to a person or animal:

The doctor will anesthetize the patient using Propofol so that he feels no pain during surgery.


90. anew [adverb]


again or one more time, especially in a different way:

After divorcing her husband last year, she married anew to a man she only knew for about three months.






91. angel [noun]


a rich person who invests in a new company:

They now have a leading role investing alongside other venture fund managers, business angels, banks, and other finance providers.


92. annihilate [verb]


to destroy something completely so that nothing is left:

During the war, our soldiers will annihilate the enemy and secure our land.


93. annotate [verb]


to add a short explanation or opinion to a text or drawing:

The student is free to annotate the textbook with notes, as well as to highlight any text that they choose.


94. annul [verb]


to officially announce that something such as a law, agreement, or marriage no longer exists:

The results of the homecoming election were so controversial that the principal decided to annul the count and have a new vote.


95. anodyne [noun]


a drug that allays pain:

The doctor promised to give me a strong anodyne to relieve the throbbing in my neck.


96. anomaly [noun]


something that is unusual enough to be noticeable or seem strange:

In order to find the anomaly, scientists had to repeat the experiment over a hundred times.


97. antagonism [noun]


hate, extreme unfriendliness, or active opposition to someone:

After deciding to become a cheerleader, the teenage boy had to deal with the antagonism of his peers.


98. antecedent [adjective]



Those were the events antecedent to the revolution.


99. antediluvian [adjective]


extremely old-fashioned:

To most teenagers, phones connected to wall outlets are antediluvian in nature.


100. antidote [noun]


a chemical, especially a drug, that limits the effects of a poison:

Because he was bit by a snake, they had to give him the antidote so he would survive.