【完全版】GRE英単語例文集②|101. antimicrobial~200. bay
本サイトはGRE General Test 攻略のための必須英単語 2163に掲載されている英単語の例文集②(101. antimicrobial~200. bay)です。
GRE General Test攻略のための必須英単語2163|101. antimicrobial~200. bay
101. antimicrobial [adjective]
able to destroy harmful microbes:
For example, the true magnitude of the antimicrobial drug resistance crisis is unknown because of the absence of systematic monitoring.
102. antipathy [noun]
a feeling of strong dislike, opposition, or anger:
Despite his personal antipathy to me, he was still able to be polite.
103. antiquity [noun]
the past, esp. before the Middle Ages, or something of great age:
While many females got married in their teens in antiquity, today women tend to marry in their later years.
104. antithetical [adjective]
exactly the opposite of someone or something or of each other:
The bill has not passed parliament because the conservative party is antithetical to the liberal party’s proposal.
105. anything but
used to mean the opposite of the stated quality:
The problem is anything but easy.
106. apathetic [adjective]
showing no interest or energy and unwilling to take action, especially over something important:
The employee’s apathetic attitude was apparent in the rude way he greeted customers.
107. apex [noun]
the highest point or top of a shape or object:
Janice was at the apex of her music career when she sold over a million copies of her second album.
108. aphorism [noun]
a short clever saying that is intended to express a general truth:
Bill began his speech with a humorous aphorism from one of his favorite authors.
109. apocryphal [adjective]
of doubtful authenticity:
Scientists claim that the apocryphal story about creation is not true.
110. apogee [noun]
the most successful, popular, or powerful point:
The hikers reached the apogee of the mountain at sunset and were glad to start descent the following day.
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111. apostate [adjective]
of or characterized by apostasy:
We must punish this apostate priest.
112. apostle [noun]
someone who strongly supports a particular belief or political movement:
He might have been, like Gandhi, an apostle of passive resistance.
113. apothegm [noun]
a short clever saying that is intended to express a general truth:
One of my mother's favorite apothegms was that “you can’t buy happiness.”
114. appease [verb]
to prevent further disagreement by giving to the other side something that they have demanded:
When I reported the cashier’s poor customer service, the manager tried to appease me with the offer of a free pizza.
115. appellation [noun]
a name or title:
Because there is no appellation on the product, consumers are confused about the brand's name.
116. apportion [verb]
to give or share something among several people or things:
At the center, we apportion afternoon snacks so that all children get at least one juice and one snack.
117. apposite [adjective]
suitable and right for the occasion:
During the debate, the candidate implied his opponent’s employment plan was not apposite for the country.
118. apprehensive [adjective]
feeling worried about something that you are going to do or that is going to happen:
With recent job cuts, Kate is apprehensive about losing her job.
119. apprentice [noun]
someone who has agreed to work for a skilled person for a particular period of time and often for low payment, in order to learn that person's skills:
My son is an apprentice in a furniture maker's workshop.
120. apprise [verb]
to tell someone about something:
He came to apprise us that the work had been successfully completed.
121. approbation [noun]
approval or agreement, often given by an official group:
I need to write a powerful resume to gain approbation from an employer.
122. appropriate [verb]
to set apart for or assign to a particular purpose or use:
There can be problems in appropriating funds for legal expenses.
123. apropos [adjective]
suitable in a particular situation or at a particular time:
Justine’s apropos comment fit in perfectly with our discussion.
124. aptitude [noun]
a natural ability or skill:
The aptitude test will identify your strongest areas in math.
125. aquiline [adjective]
of or like an eagle:
He had a thin aquiline nose and deep-set brown eyes.
126. arabesque [noun]
of, done in, or like arabesque; fantastic and elaborate:
The arabesque stone monument was crafted with graceful, intricate designs.
127. arbiter [noun]
a person who acts as a judge in an argument or of a subject of interest:
An arbiter will help the divorcing couple come to terms on a settlement.
128. arboreal [adjective]
of or living in trees:
It is easy for the deer to hide in the fallen leaves of its arboreal habitat.
129. arcane [adjective]
mysterious and known only by a few people:
Because it is no longer taught in schools, people are concerned that cursive writing will become arcane.
130. archaic [adjective]
of or belonging to an ancient period in history:
Because my archaic computer is no longer useful to me, I am giving it away for free.
131. archipelago [noun]
a group of small islands or an area of sea in which there are many small islands:
Many cruises sail to an archipelago in order to allow tourists to visit many island nations in just a short period of time.
132. ardent [adjective]
showing strong feelings:
He's an ardent supporter of the local football team.
133. arduous [adjective]
difficult, needing a lot of effort and energy:
Playing the piano may seem arduous at first, but it gets easier with practice.
134. argot [noun]
words and expressions that are used by small groups of people and that are not easily understood by other people:
The old woman could not understand the argot her granddaughter used to communicate with her friends.
135. argumentative [adjective]
often arguing or wanting to argue:
An argumentative student will often disagree with the teacher just for the sake of doing so rather than having a good reason.
136. arid [adjective]
very dry and without enough rain for plants:
The crops will not grow in the arid ground because the soil is too dry.
137. aristocratic [adjective]
belonging to a class of people who hold high social rank:
The man’s aristocratic background caused him to crave fine dining and lavish parties.
138. arrest [verb]
to stop or interrupt the development of something:
It is sometimes possible to arrest or reverse the disease.
139. arrogance [noun]
the quality of being unpleasantly proud and behaving as if you are more important than, or know more than, other people:
Fred is so full of arrogance to think that anyone cares about what he has to say simply because he attended Harvard.
140. arrogate [verb]
to take something without having the right to do so:
The gang is trying to arrogate the public park and turn it into their private meeting space.
141. articulate [verb]
able to express thoughts and feelings easily and clearly, or showing this quality:
A polished speaker, Jenna was able to articulate her points during any discussion.
142. artifice [noun]
a clever trick or something intended to deceive:
Because the bank robber knew he needed an artifice to distract the security guard, he decided to blow up a car in the parking lot.
143. artisan [noun]
someone who does skilled work with their hands:
The artisan cheesemakers specialized in making cheeses on their small dairy farm.
144. artless [adjective]
simple and not wanting to deceive:
Her countenance and a few artless words fully conveyed all her gratitude and delight.
145. as to
We had different views as to how a political interviewer should go about his job.
146. ascent [noun]
the act of climbing or moving upwards:
My legs were tired after I took the ascent to the cabin on the ridge.
147. ascertain [verb]
to make certain of something:
In order to ascertain which applicant was most qualified for the position, the hiring manager spent a long time reviewing the resumes.
148. ascetic [adjective]
avoiding physical pleasures and living a simple life, often for religious reasons:
Jacob chose to live an ascetic life because of his strict religious beliefs.
149. ascribe [verb]
to consider something to be caused, created, or owned by someone or something:
While you can sometimes ascribe these symptoms to allergies, I’m pretty sure you have a full-fledged cold.
150. aseptic [adjective]
medically clean or without infection:
Aseptic boxes of fruit juices or plastic containers of prepared beverages can be frozen to serve double duty in the cooler.
151. askance [adverb]
with disapproval or distrust:
Employers tend to look askance at people who change jobs often.
152. asperity [noun]
the quality of being severe in the way that you speak and behave:
She pointed out, with some asperity, that it had all been my fault.
153. aspersion [noun]
a false or misleading charge meant to harm someone's reputation:
Jack’s political rival cast an aspersion against him right before the election.
154. assail [verb]
to attack someone violently or criticize someone strongly:
The opposition's newspapers assail the government each day.
155. assassinate [verb]
to murder a famous or important person, esp. for political reasons or in exchange for money:
The president travels with lots of security so that no one is able to assassinate him from the crowd.
156. assemblage [noun]
a collection of things or a group of people or animals:
An assemblage of rust-colored antiques lined the tables of the thrift store.
157. assent [verb]
to agree to or give official approval to something:
He gave his assent to the proposed legislation.
158. assiduous [adjective]
showing hard work, care, and attention to detail:
That was very assiduous of you to finish those financial reports weeks ahead of schedule.
159. assimilate [verb]
to understand and remember new information and make it part of your basic knowledge so that you can use it as your own:
Jane had to assimilate a great deal of information on the first day of her new job.
160. assuage [verb]
to make unpleasant feelings less strong:
In an effort to assuage angry customers, the store issued everyone a full refund.
161. astigmatic [adjective]
having a fault in the lens of the eye that reduces the quality of sight, especially one that stops the eye from focusing:
We adapted visual information to astigmatic persons with due account of the degree of astigmatism.
162. astringent [adjective]
rigidly severe:
He uploaded some astringent comments on the paper for the international conference.
163. asylum [noun]
protection or safety, or a protected and safe place, given especially to someone who has left a country or place for political reasons:
Clara’s lifelong dream is to start a program that grants asylum to persecuted citizens from other countries.
164. atavism [noun]
a feeling or reaction that comes from long ago in human history, rather than being necessary or appropriate in modern times:
Ruby’s red hairs were viewed as atavism since her great-grandmother had the red hue.
165. atrocious [adjective]
violent and shocking:
The traders forced the slaves to live in an atrocious environment.
166. atrophy [verb]
to be reduced in size and therefore strength, or, more generally, to become weaker:
According to researchers, the lack of exercise causes muscles to atrophy and become feeble.
167. attenuate [verb]
to make something less or weaker:
Doctors claim taking the flu vaccine will attenuate the effects of the illness.
168. attest [verb]
to show something or to say or prove that something is true:
Driving while texting is not safe as any police officer can attest.
169. attune [verb]
to make someone able to understand or recognize something:
The radio transmitter wasn’t picking up what we needed, so I had to attune it to the right frequency.
170. audacious [adjective]
showing an unusual willingness to take risks:
The most successful people are those who are audacious and not afraid to take risks.
171. augment [verb]
to increase the size or value of something by adding something to it:
Because I want to augment my income, I am thinking about getting a second job.
172. augury [noun]
a sign of what might happen in the future:
These sales figures are a good augury for another profitable year.
173. august [adjective]
having great importance and respect in society:
The august chef has been invited to cook dinner for the queen.
174. auspicious [adjective]
suggesting a positive and successful future:
His brilliant acceptance speech was an auspicious start to his political career.
175. austere [adjective]
very simple, with only the things that are absolutely necessary, especially because of severe limits on money or goods:
Even though she appeared austere, my teacher was a very kind woman.
176. autism [noun]
a condition in which people typically show repeated behavior and narrow interests, with limited development of social and communication skills:
Autism is four times more common in boys than in girls.
177. autonomy [noun]
the right of an organization, country, or region to be independent and govern itself:
Branch managers have full autonomy in their own areas.
178. auxiliary [adjective]
giving help or support, especially to a more important person or thing:
When my grandmother retired, she joined the hospital auxiliary team that visited lonely patients.
179. avant-garde [adjective]
very original or modern in comparison to the period in which they happen:
The elderly poet was confused by the youth’s avant-garde style of writing.
180. avarice [noun]
an extremely strong wish to get or keep money or possessions:
Avarice makes rich people want to become even richer.
181. aver [verb]
to say that something is certainly true:
Even though the country is in an economic crisis, its leader will aver the nation is doing well during his monthly address.
182. averse [adjective]
strongly disliking or opposed to:
My teenage daughter is averse to chores and usually has to be forced to complete her cleaning duties.
183. avian [adjective]
of or relating to birds:
The avian part of the animal kingdom includes every type of bird from the flightless penguin to the majestic eagle.
184. avocation [noun]
work you do in addition to your main job or profession, especially for enjoyment:
Recently, Sherman discovered that woodworking is the type of avocation he enjoys in his spare time.
185. avuncular [adjective]
friendly, kind, or helpful, like the expected behavior of an uncle:
My father’s best friend Joe treats me in an avuncular manner and even calls me his niece.
186. axiom [noun]
a statement or principle that is generally accepted to be true, but need not be so:
Although you keep using that axiom as the basis for your paper, the concept itself is not true.
187. bacchanalian [adjective]
involving a lot of drinking of alcohol, uncontrolled behavior, and possibly sexual activity:
The island is known for its bacchanalian parties that last well into the night.
188. bald [adjective]
basic and with no unnecessary words or detail:
The announcement came in a bald statement from the official news agency.
189. baleful [adjective]
threatening to do something bad or to hurt someone:
The witness was frightened when the defendant gave her a baleful glance filled with hatred.
190. balkanize [verb]
to break up into smaller and often hostile units:
The events in Sudan and Egypt are linked to one another and are part of the project to balkanize the Arab World and the Middle East.
191. balloon [verb]
to quickly increase in size or importance:
The company's debt has ballooned in the last five years.
192. banal [adjective]
boring, ordinary, and not original:
Because the movie’s plot was banal, we knew exactly how the film would end.
193. bane [noun]
something that is particularly effective in causing you trouble or worry:
Those noisy neighbors are the bane of my life.
194. baneful [adjective]
causing harm or trouble:
If not cooked properly, the fish can be baneful to humans.
195. banter [verb]
to talk to someone in a friendly and humorous way:
Don't banter her out of her temper during these challenging times.
196. barbarous [adjective]
extremely cruel or unpleasant, or failing to reach acceptable social standards:
The king committed many barbarous acts during his reign.
197. bard [noun]
a poet:
The bard was fair, but she must teach them some court dances.
198. bask [verb]
to lie or sit enjoying the warmth especially of the sun:
Crocodiles bask on the small sandy beaches.
199. bawdy [adjective]
containing humorous remarks about sex:
With such bawdy language, it is not surprising that the novel is not being carried in religious bookstores.
200. bay [verb]
to make a long, deep cry repeatedly:
The police dogs are baying to be released, as the newly arrived officers are gathered in for the briefing.