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【完全版】GRE英単語例文集⑳|GRE General Test攻略のための必須英単語2163


【完全版】GRE英単語例文集⑳|1901. stygian~2000. transcendent


本サイトはGRE General Test 攻略のための必須英単語 2163に掲載されている英単語の例文集⑳(1901. stygian~2000. transcendent)です。







GRE General Test攻略のための必須英単語2163|1901. stygian~2000. transcendent


1901. stygian [adjective]


extremely and unpleasantly dark:

The stygian cave led to an underground river which frightened the explorers.


1902. stymie [verb]


to prevent something from happening or someone from achieving a purpose:

In our search for evidence, we were stymied by the absence of any recent documents.


1903. sublime [adjective]


extremely good, beautiful, or enjoyable:

After the sublime meal, we asked to see the chef so that we could give him our compliments.


1904. subliminal [adjective]


not recognized or understood by the conscious mind, but still having an influence on it:

In the old days, commercials contained subliminal suggestions that encouraged consumers to purchase certain products.


1905. subpoena [noun]


a legal document ordering someone to appear in a law court:

As soon as I received the subpoena, I knew I had to testify during the trial.


1906. subservient [adjective]


willing to do what other people want, or considering your wishes as less important than those of other people:

His other interests were subservient to his compelling passion for art.


1907. subside [verb]


to become less strong, or to become less violent:

As the pain in my foot subsided, I was able to walk the short distance to the car.


1908. subsist [verb]


to get enough food or money to stay alive, but no more:

Since the roads were closed during the storm, my family had to subsist on biscuits and canned meats for three days.


1909. substantial [adjective]


large in size, value, or importance:

The findings show a substantial difference between the opinions of men and women.


1910. substantiate [verb]


to show something to be true, or to support a claim with facts:

If you do not substantiate your scientific theories with facts, the members of the scientific community will disregard all your ideas.



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1911. substantive [adjective]


important, serious, or related to real facts:

The documents are the first substantive information obtained by the investigators.


1912. subsume [verb]


to include something or someone as part of a larger group:

Many Native Americans were able to survive the takeover of the Europeans by being willing to subsume into white culture.


1913. subterfuge [noun]


an action taken to hide something from someone:

Subterfuge led by the deceitful media caused everyday people to be confused.


1914. subtlety [noun]


a small but important detail:

All the subtleties of the music are conveyed in this new recording.


1915. subversive [adjective]


trying to destroy or damage something, especially an established political system:

The group published a subversive magazine that contained nothing but negative articles about the current government.


1916. subvert [verb]


to try to destroy or damage something, especially an established political system:

The rebel army is attempting to subvert the government.


1917. succinct [adjective]


said in a clear and short way:

Everyone was happy when the politician made a succinct speech that did not take all evening


1918. succor [noun]


help given to someone, especially someone who is suffering or in need:

The Red Cross is dedicated to providing succor and support to families who have been displaced by natural disasters.


1919. suffrage [noun]


the right to vote in an election, especially to vote for representatives in a government:

By allowing employees to leave work early during the elections, the company president is encouraging each employee to use his right of suffrage.


1920. sullen [adjective]


angry and unwilling to smile or be pleasant to people:

The sullen criminal refused to follow the police officer’s instructions.






1921. sully [verb]


to spoil something that is pure or someone's perfect reputation:

The accusation of child abuse is sure to sully the teacher’s reputation.


1922. sumptuous [adjective]


impressive in a way that seems expensive:

My eyes grew large when I saw the sumptuous wedding feast.


1923. sundry [adjective]


several and different types of:

The store at the summer camp facility will carry a number of sundry items just in case you forget something from home.


1924. supercilious [adjective]


behaving as if you are better than other people, and that their opinions, beliefs, or ideas are not important:

The supercilious man at the picnic refused to sit on the ground like everyone else.


1925. superfluous [adjective]


more than is needed or wanted:

Our new mayor plans to eliminate superfluous programs.


1926. supersede [verb]


to replace something, especially something older or more old-fashioned:

The features of the smartphone may supersede those of the personal computer in time.


1927. supine [adjective]


flat on your back, looking up:

During back massages, most clients recline face down instead of supine.


1928. supplant [verb]


to replace:

Travel videos do not supplant guidebooks, but they can be useful when planning a trip.


1929. suppliant [adjective]


humbly imploring:

Although her suppliant gaze at him was wordless, it was a clear communication that she expected him to defend her honor.


1930. supplicate [verb]


to ask for something in a humble way:

In his closing argument, the attorney will supplicate for his client’s freedom.






1931. supposition [noun]


an idea that something may be true, although it is not certain:

The prosecutor knew it would take more than supposition to convince the jury of the defendant’s guilt.


1932. supreme [adjective]


having the highest rank, level, or importance:

The dictator wanted supreme control and power over his country and the entire world.


1933. surfeit [noun]


an amount that is too large, or is more than is needed:

When the store manager accidently ordered a surfeit of pencils and pens, he was unable to sell the extra items and decided to donate them to a local school.


1934. surly [adjective]


often in a bad mood, unfriendly, and not polite:

The surly man was yelling at the waitress because he didn’t get the right order from the restaurant.


1935. surmise [verb]


to guess something, without having much or any proof:

The police surmise that the robbers have fled the country.


1936. surreptitious [adjective]


done secretly, without anyone seeing or knowing:

The team began a surreptitious search for the suspect.


1937. surrogate [noun]


a person who acts or speaks in support of someone else, or does his or her job for a certain time:

Both candidates in the election have turned to celebrity surrogates to excite the crowds.


1938. susceptible [adjective]


easily influenced or harmed by something:

These plants are particularly susceptible to frost.


1939. sweep [verb]


to remove and/or take in a particular direction, especially in a fast and powerful way:

I have to sweep the front porch because it is so dusty.


1940. sybarite [noun]


a person who loves expensive things and pleasure:

Because she loved luxurious items, my grandma called herself a sybarite.






1941. sycophant [noun]


someone who praises powerful or rich people in a way that is not sincere, usually in order to get some advantage from them:

She appears to be a crawly sycophant or a shameless self-promoter.


1942. syllogism [noun]


a process of logic in which two general statements lead to a more particular statement:

One example of incorrect syllogism is the notion that all animals have four legs because dogs are animals and all dogs have four legs.


1943. sylvan [adjective]


of or having woods:

We enjoy visiting the park because it is filled with trees and is the most sylvan area in our crowded city.


1944. symbiosis [noun]


a relationship between people or organizations that depend on each other equally:

The trade that peacefully occurs between the two warring tribes is viewed as an example of symbiosis.


1945. symptomatic [adjective]


if something bad is symptomatic of something else, it is caused by the other thing and is proof that it exists:

Jealousy within a relationship is usually symptomatic of low self-esteem in one of the partners.


1946. synergetic [adjective]


working together:

There is a synergetic effect when agencies work together.


1947. synoptic [adjective]


giving a short description of something:

The treatises give a synoptic view of Aristotelian doctrine.


1948. syntax [noun]


the grammatical arrangement of words in a sentence:

The examples should always illustrate correct syntax.


1949. synthesize [verb]


to produce a substance by a chemical reaction in plants or animals:

The spider can synthesize several different silk proteins.


1950. tacit [adjective]


understood without being expressed directly:

Although no words were spoken, our nods represented our tacit agreement to a cease fire.



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1951. taciturn [adjective]


tending not to speak much:

My shy brother is taciturn and rarely speaks in public.


1952. tacky [adjective]


of cheap quality or in bad style:

The shop sells tacky souvenirs and ornaments.


1953. tactic [noun]


a planned method for achieving a particular result:

In order to achieve the win, the coach showed his team the best tactic to perform.


1954. talisman [noun]


an object believed to bring good luck or to keep its owner safe from harm:

Throughout my grandmother’s ninety-five years of life, she rarely went a day without her favorite talisman around her neck.


1955. tangential [adjective]


different than the one you are talking about or doing:

I hardly ever learn anything in my history class because my teacher always rambles off on a tangential topic that has nothing to do with history.


1956. tangle [verb]


to become or form, or to make something into, an untidy mass:

No matter how much I tried to keep the cords neat behind the television set, they would always tangle with each other.


1957. tantamount [adjective]


being almost the same or having the same effect as something, usually something bad:

Her refusal to answer was tantamount to an admission of guilt.


1958. tardy [adjective]


slow or late in happening or arriving:

Students who do not arrive to class on time are tardy, and they often receive some sort of penalty for it.


1959. tarry [verb]


to stay somewhere for longer than expected and delay leaving:

If you tarry while doing your work, it will simply take even longer.


1960. tautology [noun]


the use of two words or phrases that express the same meaning, in a way that is unnecessary and usually unintentional:

The politician’s advertisement was simply tautology he restated several times within a thirty second period.







1961. tawdry [adjective]


showy, cheap, and of poor quality:

She found dressing-gowns and slippers so tawdry.


1962. taxonomy [noun]


a system for naming and organizing things, especially plants and animals, into groups that share similar qualities:

In biology, the term taxonomy refers to the classification of organisms into groups based on their attributes.


1963. teeming [adjective]


filled with the activity of many people or things:

They enjoy going fishing at Crystal Lake because the water is always teeming with catfish.


1964. temper [verb]


to make something less strong, extreme, etc.:

The heat is tempered by sea breezes on the coast.


1965. temperate [adjective]


not extreme:

The climate here is pretty temperate.


1966. tenacious [adjective]


unwilling to accept defeat or stop doing or having something:

Even though Negan was smaller than his other teammates, his tenacious attitude allowed him to accomplish as much as they did.


1967. tendentious [adjective]


expressing or supporting a particular opinion that many other people disagree with:

The president was tendentious on his plan for the company and would not listen to other options.


1968. tenet [noun]


a principle that is an accepted belief of a particular group:

Many people believe the tenet that parents should be responsible for the behaviors of their children.


1969. tenuous [adjective]


weak, unimportant, or in doubt:

The police have only found a tenuous connection between the two robberies.


1970. tenure [noun]


the period of time when someone holds a job, especially an official position, or the right to keep a job permanently:

Everyone was shocked when he became school principal after serving only a short tenure as vice-principal.





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1971. tepid [adjective]


not very warm, or not very strong:

There is only tepid support in Congress for the proposal.


1972. terrestrial [adjective]


relating to the planet earth, or living or existing on the land rather than in the sea or air:

Earth’s terrestrial biomes include areas such as deserts, taigas, and tropical rainforests.


1973. terse [adjective]


using few words, sometimes in a way that seems rude or unfriendly:

When Jessie is upset, she only gives terse responses.


1974. tether [verb]


to tie someone or something, especially an animal, to a post or other fixed place, with a rope or chain:

Before the cowboy settles down for the evening, he will tether the horses around a tree.


1975. theocracy [noun]


a country that is ruled by religious leaders:

In theocracy, the rulers of a country make laws based on religious ideas.


1976. thespian [noun]


an actor:

It is a Saturday-morning acting group for budding thespians.


1977. thereof [adverb]


of or about the thing just mentioned:

Money, or a lack thereof, can influence people to do some really bad things.


1978. thwart [verb]


to stop something from happening or someone from doing something:

The city council thwarted his reform efforts.


1979. timbre [noun]


a feature of sound in music that is produced by a particular instrument or voice:

When the music executive heard the timbre of the young singer’s voice, he knew the boy was a future star.


1980. timorous [adjective]


nervous and without much confidence:

The timorous witness refuses to testify in court.




1981. tirade [noun]


a long, angry speech expressing strong disapproval:

Because Emily is normally a laid-back person, she shocked everyone with her tirade.


1982. tit-for-tat [noun]


actions done intentionally to punish other people because they have done something unpleasant to you:

The diplomatic row culminated last month in the tit-for-tat expulsion of four diplomats.


1983. titillate [verb]


to cause someone to feel pleasantly excited:

In order to titillate consumer interest, the company is offering free shipping on all purchases.


1984. toady [noun]


a person who praises and is artificially pleasant to people in authority, usually in order to get some advantage from them:

Amy has been acting like the manager’s toady by agreeing with everything he says to get a promotion.


1985. token [noun]


a round, metal or plastic disk which is used instead of money in some machines:

At a casino, the coins you win in slot machines serve as a token that you can exchange for prizes or money.


1986. tome [noun]


a large, heavy book:

She has written several weighty tomes on the subject.


1987. tony [adjective]


stylish and expensive:

He lives in a tony neighborhood of Los Angeles.


1988. topple [verb]


to lose balance and fall down:

The statue of the dictator was toppled over by the crowds.


1989. torment [verb]


to cause a person or animal to suffer or worry:

Every day when he got on the bus, the bully began to torment the quiet child.


1990. torpid [adjective]


moving or thinking slowly, especially as a result of being lazy or feeling that you want to sleep:

His torpid brother rests on the couch all day.






1991. torpor [noun]


the state of not being active and having no energy or enthusiasm:

Many voters are in political torpor and rarely go to the polls.


1992. torso [noun]


the human body considered without head, arms, or legs, or a statue representing this:

The airbag will protect your head and torso.


1993. tortuous [adjective]


full of twists and turns:

When the tortuous snake moved across the Sahara Desert, his body made an S-shape in the sand.


1994. torturous [adjective]


involving a lot of suffering or difficulty:

The past few months have been torturous for the farming due to a severe drought.


1995. touchstone [noun]


an established standard or principle by which something is judged:

An understanding of grammar is often considered a touchstone by which all language skills are compared to.


1996. tout [verb]


to advertise or praise something, especially as a way of encouraging people to buy it:

Several insurance companies tout their services on local radio.


1997. tract [noun]


a large area of land, or a measured area of land:

Each tract of land is being sold at the price of 1,000 dollars per acre.


1998. tractable [adjective]


easily dealt with, controlled, or persuaded:

The problem turned out to be less tractable than I had expected.


1999. tranquil [adjective]


calm and peaceful and without noise, violence, worry, etc.:

Since we were the only ones on the beach, we enjoyed a tranquil day.


2000. transcendent [adjective]


greater, better, more important, or going past or above all others:

Experts are looking into the sequence of genetic alterations that allowed the transcendent mutation scientists recently discovered.