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【完全版】GRE英単語例文集③|GRE General Test攻略のための必須英単語2163


【完全版】GRE英単語例文集③|201. beatify~300. catholic


本サイトはGRE General Test 攻略のための必須英単語 2163に掲載されている英単語の例文集③(201. beatify~300. catholic)です。







GRE General Test攻略のための必須英単語2163|201. beatify~300. catholic


201. beatify [verb]


to describe or think of someone as if they are extremely good and have no faults:

The church was quick to beatify Mary for her role as the mother of Jesus.


202. bedazzle [verb]


to make someone slightly confused, and not able to think clearly:

Greg felt compelled to bedazzle his boss, so he always tried hard to impress him during meetings.


203. bedizen [verb]


to dress or adorn gaudily:

In the 1970s, many hippies would bedizen themselves in bell bottoms that had large colorful flowers on them.


204. bedlam [noun]


a noisy situation with no order:

When the team won the championship the fans ran onto the court, and bedlam ensued.


205. beguile [verb]


to persuade, attract, or interest someone, sometimes in order to deceive them:

The car salesman tried to beguile the customer with an offer of free gas for a year.


206. behemoth [noun]


something that is extremely large and often extremely powerful:

I was scared of the behemoth roller coaster that was the tallest and fastest in the world.


207. beholden [adjective]


feeling you have a duty to someone because they have done something for you:

Stan refused to accept a college loan because he didn’t want to feel beholden to anyone.


208. beleaguer [verb]


to surround someone in order to attack them:

If we do not spray our house with insect repellant, mosquitos will beleaguer us all summer.


209. belie [verb]


to show something to be false, or to hide something such as an emotion:

Jason tried to belie the fact he was a lousy worker by showing up early at the office.


210. belletristic [adjective]


written or appreciated for aesthetic value rather than content:

A piece of prose writing that is belletristic in style is characterized by a casual, yet polished and pointed, essayistic elegance.



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211. bellicose [adjective]


wishing to fight or start a war:

He expressed alarm about the government's increasingly bellicose statements.


212. belligerent [adjective]


wishing to fight or argue:

My brother was always belligerent and ready to fight.


213. bemuse [verb]


to slightly confuse someone:

During the festival, I was a little bemused by all the noise at the park.


214. beneficent [adjective]


helping people and doing good acts:

My beneficent neighbor gives out meals to the poor every Sunday.


215. beneficiary [noun]


a person or group who receives money, advantages, etc. as a result of something else:

My husband has listed me as the beneficiary of his life insurance policy.


216. benign [adjective]


pleasant and kind:

They are normally a more benign audience.


217. bent [noun]


a natural tendency:

He passionately talked about the philosophical bent of his mind.


218. bereave [verb]


to take away a valued or necessary possession especially by force:

Because Ted was severely depressed, he chose to bereave himself of companionship so no one would comment upon his misery.


219. berserk [adjective]


very angry or out of control:

Jimmy went totally berserk when Sandra told him that she was breaking off their engagement.


220. beseech [verb]


to ask for something in a way that shows you need it very much:

As soon as I reach the driving age, I will beseech my parents to buy me a car.






221. besiege [verb]


to surround a place, especially with an army, to prevent people or supplies getting in or out:

The journalists will besiege the police chief with questions about the prisoner’s escape.


222. besmirch [verb]


to say bad things about someone to influence other people's opinion of them:

He never forgave the reporter for besmirching his family's name.


223. besotted [verb]


completely in love with someone and always thinking of them:

The besotted mother treated her child like a princess, despite the fact that she risked spoiling her.


224. bestow [verb]


to give something as an honor or present:

During the ceremony, the prime minister will bestow medals of honor to the brave soldiers who rescued their comrades.


225. bevy [noun]


a large group of people, especially women or girls, or a large group of similar things:

My essay grade was low because I had a bevy of mistakes in my paper.


226. bifurcate [verb]


to divide into two parts:

The stream bifurcates into two narrow winding channels.


227. bigot [noun]


a person who has strong, unreasonable beliefs and who does not like other people who have different beliefs or a different way of life:

The bigot was a lonely old man who thought everyone was inferior to him.


228. bilk [verb]


to get money from someone unfairly or dishonestly:

They are charged with bilking investors out of millions of dollars.


229. biosphere [noun]


the part of the earth's environment where life exists:

Earth’s biosphere is made up of all living things, from the oceans to plants to the very atmosphere.


230. bizarre [adjective]


very strange and unusual:

Everyone stared at the student who wore the bizarre outfit to school.






231. blandish [verb]


to try to persuade someone by saying pleasant things:

It is impossible to blandish my boss since she isn’t persuaded by flattery or compliments.


232. blasé [adjective]


bored or not very interested:

Since a new smartphone comes out practically every month, He is blasé to the latest technological invention.


233. blatant [adjective]


obvious or intentional, and done without worry about what others think:

The judge became very angry when he heard the defendant’s blatant lie.


234. blemish [noun]


a mark on something that spoils its appearance:

Oliver was worried that the small blemish on the tip of his nose would stand out in the wedding photographs.


235. blight [verb]


to spoil something:

The scandal blighted the careers of several leading politicians.


236. blithe [adjective]


happy and without worry:

Because my answers came across as blithe during the interview, I did not receive a job offer.


237. blunt [adjective]


saying what you think without trying to be polite or caring about other people’s feelings:

I’ve lost friends due to being a very blunt person and speaking my mind.


238. boast [verb]


to speak too proudly or happily about what you have done or what you own:

I didn’t want to boast, but I did exceptionally well on my college entrance exam.


239. bode [verb]


to be a sign of something that will happen in the future, usually something very good or bad:

These recently published figures bode well for the company's future.


240. bog [verb]


to become impeded or stuck:

Your car will bog down in the mud due to the heavy rains.






241. bogus [adjective]


false, not real, or not legal:

The jewelry store owner was arrested for selling bogus diamonds as genuine gems.


242. boisterous [adjective]


noisy, energetic, and rough:

Your boisterous actions at church cannot be tolerated.


243. bolster [verb]


to support, improve something, or make it stronger:

Free tickets were given away to bolster attendance at the game.


244. bombastic [adjective]


using long and difficult words, usually to make people think you know more than you do:

Because he is a bit too bombastic for me, I will not be voting for that politician again.


245. bonhomie [noun]


friendliness and happiness:

There was a casual bonhomie between the actors at rehearsals.


246. boon [noun]


something that is very helpful and improves the quality of life:

The donation from the billionaire was a nice boon for the homeless charity.


247. boondoggle [verb]


to deceive or attempt to deceive:

They were all boondoggled by her big talk.


248. boor [noun]


a person who is rude and does not consider other people's feelings:

Jack was such a boor he would not even hold a door for his mother.


249. boorish [adjective]


rude and not considering other people's feelings:

The comedian’s jokes were so vulgar and boorish that the only ones left in the audience were those who were too drunk to be offended.


250. botch [verb]


to spoil something by doing it badly:

You will botch the recipe if you leave the chicken in the marinade for too long.



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251. bourgeois [noun]


belonging to or typical of the middle class especially in supporting existing customs and values, or in having a strong interest in money and possessions:

In America, the traditional bourgeois family consists of two parents, two children, and a family pet.


252. bovine [adjective]


slow or stupid in a way that a cow is thought to be:

Although Charles was active and talkative at work, at home he was usually bovine and sat around with a dull look on his face.


253. braggart [noun]


someone who proudly talks a lot about himself or herself and his or her achievements or possessions:

My rich uncle is a braggart who constantly boasts about his possessions.


254. brandish [verb]


to wave something in the air in a threatening or excited way:

When the crazed man decided to brandish a gun in the airport, he was immediately shot by a security guard.


255. brazen [adjective]


obvious, without any attempt to be hidden:

There were instances of brazen cheating in the exams.


256. breach [noun]


an act of breaking a law, promise, agreement, or relationship:

Sarah was allowed to keep her job because the committee decided her efforts to save the patient were not a breach of any nursing laws or codes.


257. brilliance [noun]


great skill or intelligence:

The genius’s brilliance allowed him to come up with some life-changing surgical techniques.


258. broach [verb]


to begin a discussion of something difficult:

I thought I would better broach the matter with my boss.


259. brood [verb]


to think for a long time about things that make you sad, worried, or angry:

Don't brood too much and just let it be, and you will finally have what you should.


260. brook [verb]


to not allow or accept something, especially a difference of opinion or intention:

She won't brook any criticism of her work.







261. brunt [noun]


the main force of something unpleasant:

As the task manager, my husband will bear the brunt of the client’s anger when the project is not finished on time.


262. brusque [adjective]


quick and rude in manner or speech:

His secretary was rather brusque with me.


263. brutality [noun]


an act or behavior that is cruel and violent:

The minority group accused the police of brutality.


264. bucolic [adjective]


relating to the countryside:

The postcard image was beautiful and featured a bucolic white house in a dark green pasture.


265. buoyant [adjective]


happy and confident:

With a great deal of confidence, the buoyant model strolled down the runway.


266. burgeon [verb]


to develop or grow quickly:

As car prices go down, car dealers are expecting sales to burgeon.


267. burnish [verb]


to rub metal until it is smooth and shiny:

Richard is forever attempting to burnish his reputation so that he can advance his position within our company.


268. buttress [noun]


a structure made of stone or brick that sticks out from and supports a wall of a building:

The professor told him that he needed to do some more research to find data to be a buttress for his theory.


269. by far


by a great amount:

That was by far the worst speech he had ever made.


270. bystander [noun]


a person who is standing near and watching something that is happening but is not taking part in it:

A bystander witnessed the wreck, and called the police to assist.





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271. byzantine [adjective]


complicated and difficult to understand:

Because the plot was revealed in a byzantine manner, it was difficult to understand.


272. cabal [noun]


a small group of people who plan secretly to take action, especially political action:

Hundreds of workers formed a cabal to demonstrate their dissatisfaction with the firm’s healthcare plan.


273. cachinnate [verb]


to laugh loudly or immoderately:

At one of the funniest parts of the film, the audience began to cachinnate with such force that guests in the other theaters could hear them.


274. cacophony [noun]


an unpleasant mixture of loud sounds:

Because the band had not practiced enough, their arrangement came across as a cacophony instead of entertaining music.


275. cadge [verb]


to try to get something from someone else without paying for it:

The homeless man was constantly trying to cadge cigarettes from pedestrians.


276. cajole [verb]


to persuade someone to do something they might not want to do, by pleasant talk and promises:

He really knows how to cajole people into doing what he wants.


277. callous [adjective]


unkind, cruel, and without sympathy or feeling for other people:

There is so much crime in this country that many people have become callous about it and tend to look the other way.


278. callow [adjective]


someone, especially a young person, who is callow behaves in a way that shows they have little experience, confidence, or judgment:

Since the callow baker was new to cake decorating, she did not know how to properly frost the multi-layer cake.


279. calumniate [verb]


to make statements about someone that are not true and that are damaging to their reputation:

In an attempt to prevent the mayor’s reelection, someone has been using the Internet to calumniate the city leader’s family.


280. canard [noun]


a false report or piece of information that is intended to deceive people:

The newspaper was sued for publishing a canard about a popular celebrity.




281. candor [noun]


the quality of being honest and telling the truth, especially about a difficult or embarrassing subject:

Because the realtor was an honest woman, she replied with candor about the damage to the house.


282. canny [adjective]


thinking quickly and cleverly, especially in business or financial matters:

The canny man would not buy the used car until it passed his mechanic’s inspection.


283. canon [noun]


a rule, principle, or law, especially in the Christian Church:

He had to read a canon of accepted literary texts.


284. canonize [verb]


to declare a deceased person an officially recognized saint:

In religion, people tend to canonize the words of their most significant religious figure, holding them as holy and indisputable.


285. cant [noun]


special words used by a particular group of people such as thieves, lawyers, or priests, often in order to keep things secret:

The older woman did not understand the modern cant spoken by her grandchildren.


286. cantankerous [adjective]


annoyed and tending to argue and complain:

The leading character in the movie was a cantankerous old man who hated the world.


287. caprice [noun]


a sudden and usually silly wish to have or do something, or a sudden and silly change of mind or behavior:

The professor was not the type of man to engage in anything as reckless as a caprice.


288. capricious [adjective]


changing mood or behavior suddenly and unexpectedly:

Because of his capricious nature, Jeremy found it hard to keep a steady job.


289. captious [adjective]


often expressing criticisms about matters that are not important:

My captious father is never satisfied with anything I do.


290. cardinal [adjective]


of great importance:

The cardinal belief with the nonprofit organization to help others in a time of crisis seemed to be overlooked which resulted in people feeling animosity towards the charity.






291. carnal [adjective]


relating to the physical feelings and wants of the body:

Minors are not invited to the art exhibit because the paintings display carnal nudity.


292. carping [adjective]


marked by or inclined to querulous and often perverse criticism:

My carping mother-in-law is constantly criticizing my housekeeping skills.


293. cartography [noun]


the science or art of making or drawing maps:

Since Greg was an expert in cartography, he quickly located the inaccuracy in the map.


294. caste [noun]


a social class system in any society:

In the tribe, there is a caste system based on skin color with the darker-skinned people comprising the lower class.


295. castigate [verb]


to criticize someone or something severely:

My mother was a cruel woman who never missed an opportunity to castigate my father.


296. cataclysm [noun]


an event that causes a lot of destruction, or a sudden, violent change:

A severe attack upon the Internet could cause a cataclysm in the financial world.


297. catalyst [noun]


something that makes a chemical reaction happen more quickly without itself being changed:

The chemical substance acts as a catalyst in the process of fermentation.


298. catastrophe [noun]


a sudden event that causes very great trouble or destruction:

The attempt to expand the business was a catastrophe for the firm.


299. categorical [adjective]


without any doubt or possibility of being changed:

My father’s categorical denial let me know there was no need to ask again.


300. catholic [adjective]


including many different types of things:

He was a man of catholic tastes, a lover of grand opera, history and the fine arts.