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【完全版】GRE英単語例文集⑧|GRE General Test攻略のための必須英単語2163


【完全版】GRE英単語例文集⑧|701. erudite~800. flaunt


本サイトはGRE General Test 攻略のための必須英単語 2163に掲載されている英単語の例文集⑧(701. erudite~800. flaunt)です。







GRE General Test攻略のための必須英単語2163|701. erudite~800. flaunt


701. erudite [adjective]


having or showing a lot of knowledge, especially from reading and studying:

The room was full of erudite scholars who made the discussion on astronomy fun and interesting.


702. escapade [noun]


an act involving some danger, risk, or excitement, because it is different from usual or expected behavior:

The boys’ escapade might end with their arrest.


703. eschew [verb]


to avoid something intentionally, or to give something up:

True vegetarians eschew food items that come from living animals.


704. esoteric [adjective]


intended for or understood by only a few people who have special knowledge:

The medical research was so esoteric that only a few physicians could actually understand the results.


705. essay [verb]


to try to do something:

The procedure was first essayed in 1923.


706. estimable [adjective]


considered with respect:

Our estimable professor is constantly being recognized for his cancer research.


707. estrange [verb]


to cause someone to no longer have a friendly relationship with another person or other people:

If the singer changes his style of music, the alteration may estrange him from his fan base.


708. ethnocentrism [noun]


belief that a particular race or culture is better than others:

Because my father’s marital beliefs are rooted in his ethnocentrism, he does not believe I should marry outside of my race.


709. ethos [noun]


the set of beliefs, ideas, etc. about the social behavior and relationships of a person or group:

Although the football team consisted of mostly inexperienced players, its strong teamwork ethos allowed it to win the championship.


710. etiology [noun]


the study of the causes of a disease:

An example of etiology is knowing that some of the causes of high blood pressure are smoking, lack of exercise, stress and a diet high in salt and fat.



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711. etymology [noun]


the study of the origin and history of words, or a study of this type relating to one particular word:

After a bit of research, I found the etymology associated with my name and discovered my name’s meaning.


712. eugenics [noun]


the idea that it is possible to improve humans by allowing only some people to produce children:

I wasn’t a proponent of eugenics until I became a teacher.


713. eulogy [noun]


a speech, piece of writing, poem, etc. containing great praise, especially for someone who recently died or retired from work:

The minister delivered a long eulogy during the ceremony.


714. euphemism [noun]


a word or phrase used to avoid saying an unpleasant or offensive word:

The article made so much use of euphemism that often its meaning was unclear.


715. euphony [noun]


the quality of having a pleasant sound:

The euphony of the reader’s voice tempted me to fall asleep.


716. euphoria [noun]


a feeling of extreme happiness or confidence:

The news sparked a wave of euphoria across the country.


717. euthanasia [noun]


the act of killing someone who is very ill or very old so that they do not suffer any more:

The doctor refused to perform euthanasia even though he knew it would permanently remove his patient’s suffering.


718. evanescent [adjective]


lasting for only a short time, then disappearing quickly and being forgotten:

When the temperature rises, the snow becomes evanescent as it turns into water.


719. evasion [noun]


the act of avoiding something unpleasant or unwanted:

Accusations of tax evasion have tarnished his clean image.


720. evince [verb]


to make something obvious or show something clearly:

Experiments evince that this algorithm is an accurate feature detection method.






721. evocative [adjective]


making you remember or imagine something pleasant:

Her new book is wonderfully evocative of idyllic life.


722. exacerbate [verb]


to make something that is already bad even worse:

This action will exacerbate the tense relations between the two communities.


723. exact [verb]


to demand and get something, sometimes using force or threats:

The arrested blackmailers exacted a total of $100,000 from their victims.


724. exacting [adjective]


demanding a lot of effort, care, or attention:

It was exacting work and required all his patience.


725. excise [verb]


to remove something, especially by cutting:

It will take several hours for the surgeon to excise the massive tumor.


726. excoriate [verb]


to write or say that a play, book, political action, etc. is very bad:

In his speech, the president will excoriate the dictator’s actions and state his plans for military intervention.


727. excruciating [adjective]


extremely painful:

The tablets brought temporary respite from the excruciating pain.


728. exculpate [verb]


to remove blame from someone:

He was exculpated by the testimony of several witnesses.


729. execrable [adjective]


very bad:

Because the conditions in that restaurant were so execrable, several diners became ill and the Health Department was called in to shut it down.


730. exegesis [noun]


an explanation of a text, especially from the Bible, after its careful study:

The student’s exegesis of the novel was one of the best summaries the professor had ever read.






731. exemplar [noun]


a typical or good example of something:

The school valedictorian is an exemplar of the perfect student.


732. exemplary [adjective]


extremely good of its type, so that it might serve as a model for others:

When my father retired from his company after fifty years of employment, he received a gold watch for his exemplary service.


733. exempt [verb]


to allow someone not to do something, pay something, etc. that others have to do or pay:

Small businesses have been exempted from the tax increase.


734. exhaustive [adjective]


detailed and complete:

An exhaustive investigation of the facts proves the contrary.


735. exhilarate [verb]


to give someone strong feelings of happiness and excitement:

According to the author, the purpose of the novel is to exhilarate readers and leave them with happy thoughts.


736. exhort [verb]


to strongly encourage or persuade someone to do something:

In her monthly speech, the school counselor will exhort the students to plan for their futures so they will be prepared for life.


737. exigency [noun]


the difficulties of a situation, especially one that causes urgent demands:

Economic exigency will oblige the government to act after containment of the virus.


738. existential [adjective]


relating to existence or being alive:

Philosophy is more concerned with the existential questions than solving practical problems.


739. exonerate [verb]


to show or say officially that someone or something is not guilty of something:

The job of the defense attorney is to exonerate his clients and keep them out of jail.


740. exorbitant [adjective]


of prices and demands much too large:

The luxury hotel charges an exorbitant rate of $25 for a single tiny cheeseburger.






741. exorcise [verb]


to get rid of someone or something evil:

Many people turned to religion to exorcise themselves from sin.


742. expatiate [verb]


to speak or write about something in great detail or for a long time:

The chairman expatiated for two hours on his plans for the company.


743. expatriate [verb]


to move from your own country, or to cause someone to move from their own country:

The new leaders expatriated the ruling family.


744. expedient [adjective]


helpful or useful in a particular situation, but sometimes not morally acceptable:

My mother is skilled at getting rid of nosey neighbors in an expedient manner.


745. expiate [verb]


to show that you are sorry for bad behavior by doing something or accepting punishment:

He had a chance to confess and expiate his guilt.


746. explicate [verb]


to explain something in detail, especially a piece of writing or an idea:

It took the chemist a long time to explicate the chemical process to the group of financial investors.


747. exponent [noun]


a person who supports an idea or belief or performs an activity:

Gandhi was an exponent of non-violent protest.


748. expository [adjective]


explaining or describing something:

The play begins with an expository monologue explaining where the story takes place.


749. expound [verb]


to give a detailed explanation of something:

He continued to expound his views on economics and politics in his speech.


750. expurgate [verb]


to remove parts of a piece of writing that are considered likely to cause offence:

The producer agreed to expurgate some of the R-rated scenes so that the movie could be shown on network television.



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751. extant [adjective]


still existing:

The extant writings of the ancient philosopher are still quite popular with philosophy students.


752. extemporaneous [adjective]


done or said without any preparation or thought:

Instead of giving his prepared speech, the minister delivered an extemporaneous statement about the recent financial crisis.


753. extirpate [verb]


to remove or destroy something completely:

Hopefully, the pesticides will extirpate the insects from my garden.


754. extraneous [adjective]


not directly connected with or related to something:

The extraneous noise from the street was keeping us awake all night, so we moved to a different apartment.


755. extrapolate [verb]


to use existing information to discover what is likely to happen or be true in the future:

The scientist tried to extrapolate the future results by looking at data from previous testing dates.


756. extrinsic [adjective]


coming from outside, or not related to something:

Our professor said that he would not allow questions or comments that are extrinsic to the subject matter under discussion.


757. exuberant [adjective]


very energetic, and showing the happiness of being alive:

Even though Johnny was not a very good basketball player, he had such an exuberant attitude that he came across as one of the stars of the team.


758. exude [verb]


to produce a smell or liquid substance from inside:

Some trees exude a sap from their bark to repel insect parasites.


759. fabulous [adjective]


great in size or amount:

The amount of money we made during the fundraiser was absolutely fabulous, covering the cost of not only our current project, but the repaving of the school parking lot as well.


760. facetious [adjective]


not seriously meaning what you say, usually in an attempt to be humorous or to trick someone:

She kept interrupting our discussion with facetious remarks.







761. facile [adjective]


easy or too easy:

While the adults found the video game complicated, the teenagers thought it was facile and easily played.


762. facilitate [verb]


to make something possible or easier:

The translator will facilitate the conversation between the immigrant and the attorney.


763. faction [noun]


a group within a larger group, especially one with slightly different ideas from the main group:

A rebel faction has split away from the main group.


764. factotum [noun]


a person employed to do all types of jobs for someone:

We need a factotum to take care of the workshop.


765. factual [adjective]


based on facts:

That two plus two equals four is a completely factual statement.


766. fallacious [adjective]


not correct:

His argument is based on fallacious reasoning.


767. fallacy [noun]


a false belief:

He detected the fallacy of her argument.


768. fallow [adjective]


not in use or inactive:

At the end of summer, the once crowded beaches become fallow as young people return to school.


769. fanatical [adjective]


holding extreme beliefs that may lead to unreasonable or violent behavior:

When Zack was a teenager, he was a fanatical baseball fan.


770. fandom [noun]


a group of fans of someone or something, especially very enthusiastic ones:

All of the fandom in soccer would be watching the World Cup since it is the biggest tournament for that sport.





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771. farce [noun]


a ridiculous situation or event, or something considered a waste of time:

No one had prepared anything so the meeting was a bit of a farce.


772. fastidious [adjective]


giving too much attention to small details and wanting everything to be correct and perfect:

Although the fastidious painter had all of his brushes, he refused to paint because his special canvasses were unavailable.


773. fatuous [adjective]


stupid, not correct, or not carefully thought about:

Buying a car without negotiating down the price is a fatuous decision.


774. fauna [noun]


all the animals that live wild in a particular area:

The forest’s fauna are safeguarded by local wildlife life protection laws.


775. fawn [verb]


to give someone a lot of attention and praise in order to get that person’s approval:

It was interesting to watch the greedy woman fawn over the wealthy old man.


776. fealty [noun]


loyalty, especially to a king or queen:

When the president took his oath, he swore fealty to the nation.


777. feckless [adjective]


weak in character and lacking determination:

Larry was such a feckless manager that the company was forced to declare bankruptcy.


778. fecund [adjective]


able to produce a lot of crops, fruit, babies, young animals, etc.:

In order to turn the deserts into fecund and productive land, engineers built an 800-mile canal.


779. feeble [adjective]


weak and without energy, strength, or power:

His feeble attempt to win the race did not earn him a trophy.


780. felicitous [adjective]


suitable or right and expressing well the intended thought or feeling:

The felicitous music made me happy.




781. fend [verb]


to keep or ward off:

The minister had to fend off some awkward questions.


782. feral [adjective]


existing in a wild state, especially describing an animal that was previously kept by people:

The feral dog would not approach humans.


783. fervent [adjective]


showing strong and sincere feelings or beliefs:

The topic spurred a fervent debate between the two political parties.


784. fervid [adjective]


marked by often extreme fervor:

The candidate made a fervid speech that held the audience’s attention.


785. fervor [noun]


strong and sincere beliefs:

Although I love college football, I do not have the same fervor for the games as those fans that paint their faces with their team colors.


786. fetid [adjective]


smelling extremely bad and stale:

The air of the room was fetid with stale tobacco smoke.


787. fetter [verb]


to keep someone within limits or stop them from making progress:

This does not mean that we wish to fetter the trade union movement.


788. feudal [adjective]


relating to the social system of western Europe in the Middle Ages or any society that is organized according to rank:

During the feudal period, the lords and barons ruled the countryside with an iron fist.


789. fiat [noun]


an order given by a person in authority:

The dictator rules his country by fiat and expects everyone to obey his orders.


790. fidelity [noun]


loyalty to a person or organization:

They swore an oath of fidelity to their king.






791. fiducial [adjective]


taken as standard of reference:

The mile markers on the highway are used as fiducial points, allowing travelers to pinpoint precisely where they are on the map.


792. figurative [adjective]


used not with their basic meaning but with a more imaginative meaning, in order to create a special effect:

If you use figurative language, you are not speaking literally but rather in a manner meant to produce a reaction.


793. filibuster [noun]


a long speech that someone makes in order to delay or prevent a new law being made:

The senator will filibuster to prevent a vote on the bill.


794. fissure [noun]


a deep crack, especially one in rock or ice or in the ground:

The homeowners were dismayed to discover a fissure in the foundation of their home.


795. fixate [verb]


to make fixed, stationary, or unchanging:

The book reviewer was fixated on the flaws of the novel and neglected to mention the story’s positive attributes.


796. flabbergast [verb]


to shock someone, usually by telling that person something they were not expecting:

As a single mother on a tight budget, I am flabbergasted by the huge cost of video games.


797. flag [verb]


to become tired, weaker, or less effective:

If you begin to flag, there is an excellent café to revive you.


798. flagrant [adjective]


conspicuously offensive:

After the basketball player committed a flagrant foul, he was kicked out of the game.


799. flamboyant [adjective]


brightly colored and easily noticed:

The flamboyant singer loves to wear shimmering suits while performing at concerts.


800. flaunt [verb]


to intentionally make obvious something you have in order to be admired:

Richard loves to flaunt his flashy clothes because he believes they are super cool.