【完全版】GRE英単語例文集⑰|1601. prudish~1700. reprise
本サイトはGRE General Test 攻略のための必須英単語 2163に掲載されている英単語の例文集⑰(1601. prudish~1700. reprise)です。
GRE General Test攻略のための必須英単語2163|1601. prudish~1700. reprise
1601. prudish [adjective]
marked by or exhibiting the characteristics of a prude:
My grandmother’s narrowminded and prudish viewpoints do not line up with today’s world views.
1602. prurient [adjective]
too interested in the details of another person's sexual behavior:
He denied that the article had been in any way prurient.
1603. puckish [adjective]
liking to make jokes about other people and play silly tricks on them:
He has a puckish sense of humor.
1604. puerile [adjective]
behaving in a silly way, not like an adult:
Since my son is thirty-three years of age, I do not find his puerile behavior amusing.
1605. pugilism [noun]
the art, practice, or profession of fighting with the fists:
The inexperienced boxer had a lot to learn about the sport of pugilism.
1606. pugnacious [adjective]
wanting to start an argument or fight, or expressing an argument or opinion very forcefully:
The pugnacious little boy constantly talks back to his mother.
1607. puissance [noun]
great strength, power, or influence:
His harsh puissance over the country led to his dictatorial leadership and strict control of its citizens.
1608. pulchritude [noun]
beauty, especially a woman's beauty:
Because we all know that beauty is only skin deep, you should always look beneath the pulchritude on the outside to see what’s going on in a person’s heart and soul.
1609. punctilious [adjective]
very careful to behave correctly or to give attention to details:
Because my aunt is quite punctilious when it comes to table settings, every utensil must be turned properly.
1610. pundit [noun]
a person who knows a lot about a particular subject and is therefore often asked to give an opinion about it:
During the trial, the prosecutor will call on a pundit of forensics to link the evidence to the suspect.
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1611. pungent [adjective]
very strong, sometimes in an unpleasant way:
When the pungent smell of rotten eggs filled the house, I held my nose.
1612. puny [adjective]
small and weak, or not effective:
My car only has a puny little engine.
1613. purblind [adjective]
lacking in vision, insight, or understanding:
Although the other experts agreed, the purblind critic refused to acknowledge that the painting was a fake.
1614. puritanical [adjective]
believing or involving the belief that it is important to work hard and control yourself, and that pleasure is wrong or unnecessary:
His coach believes in rules and regulations and has puritanical standards for behavior.
1615. purport [verb]
to pretend to be or to do something, especially in a way that is not easy to believe:
The man used a fake badge to purport he was a law enforcement officer.
1616. pusillanimous [adjective]
weak and cowardly:
He's too pusillanimous to stand up to his opponents.
1617. putative [adjective]
generally thought to be or to exist, even if this may not really be true:
Even though there has not been a DNA test, everyone accepts him as the girl’s putative father.
1618. quagmire [noun]
a difficult and dangerous situation:
Many young people do not realize the quagmire to which occasional drug use can lead.
1619. quail [verb]
to feel or show fear:
She quailed at his heartless words.
1620. quaint [adjective]
attractive because of being unusual and especially old-fashioned:
In Spain, we visited a cobblestone plaza with quaint little cafés around its perimeter.
1621. qualm [noun]
an uncomfortable feeling when you doubt if you are doing the right thing:
She had no qualms about lying to the police.
1622. quandary [noun]
a state of not being able to decide what to do about a situation in which you are involved:
Because you are in a quandary and doubting your ability to make a decision, I suggest you talk to one of your friends about your problem.
1623. quantum [noun]
the smallest amount or unit of something, especially energy:
Quantum mechanics was used to explain properties of several energy forms.
1624. quasar [noun]
the center of a galaxy that is very far away, producing large amounts of energy:
When the astronomer looked through his telescope, he was able to see a brightly lit object known as a quasar.
1625. quash [verb]
to forcefully stop something that you do not want to happen:
The revolt was swiftly quashed by government troops.
1626. querulous [adjective]
often complaining, especially in a weak high voice:
He became increasingly dissatisfied and querulous in his old age.
1627. query [noun]
a question, often expressing doubt about something or looking for an answer from an authority:
The substitute teacher couldn’t respond to the student’s query because she was unfamiliar with the subject material.
1628. quibble [verb]
to argue or complain about small and unimportant details:
He's always quibbling, so it is difficult to get a straight answer out of him.
1629. quiescent [adjective]
temporarily quiet and not active:
The political situation was now relatively quiescent.
1630. quintessential [adjective]
being the most typical example or most important part of something:
Before the arrival of modern means of communication, carrier pigeons were the quintessential means of message delivery.
1631. quip [noun]
a humorous and clever remark:
The president responded to the journalist’s question with a clever quip.
1632. quixotic [adjective]
having or showing ideas that are different and unusual but not practical or likely to succeed:
This is a vast, exciting and some say quixotic project.
1633. quorum [noun]
the number of members who must be present at a meeting in order for decisions to be officially made:
The quorum for meetings of the committee is two.
1634. quotidian [adjective]
Television has become part of our quotidian existence.
1635. racket [noun]
an unpleasant loud continuous noise:
They were making such a racket outside that I couldn't get to sleep.
1636. raconteur [noun]
someone who tells funny or interesting stories:
A screenwriter is a raconteur who simply puts his stories on paper.
1637. radical [adjective]
believing or expressing the belief that there should be great or extreme social or political change:
We need to make some radical changes to our operating procedures.
1638. raffish [adjective]
not following usual social standards of behavior or appearance, especially in a careless and attractive way:
While many people found the singer’s raffish behavior interesting, others viewed it as completely unacceptable.
1639. rail [verb]
to complain angrily:
He railed at the injustices of the system.
1640. raiment [noun]
The hurricane shelter provides housing, food, and raiment for people in need.
1641. rally [verb]
to cause to come together in order to provide support or make a shared effort:
Supporters of the candidate began to rally around her at the latest election event.
1642. ramification [noun]
the possible results of an action:
The trade embargo will be a damaging ramification to the financially distressed nation.
1643. rampage [verb]
to move, run, and do things in a wild, violent way:
The demonstrators rampaged through the town, smashing windows and setting fire to cars.
1644. rampant [adjective]
getting worse quickly and in an uncontrolled way:
Diseases associated with contaminated water are rampant in the country.
1645. rancorous [adjective]
having or showing a feeling of hate and continuing anger about something in the past:
Mr. Heckles is a rancorous old man who is always unhappy and seemingly angry at everyone.
1646. rankle [verb]
to make someone annoyed or angry for a long time:
The fact the train is leaving two hours late is certainly going to rankle the passengers.
1647. rant [verb]
to speak or shout in a loud or angry way:
He's always ranting about the government.
1648. rapt [adjective]
receiving someone’s full interest, or complete:
Whenever my favorite actor comes onscreen, I am rapt by his performance.
1649. rarefy [verb]
to become less solid or dense; to make something do this:
The humidifier will rarefy the room by putting moisture in the air.
1650. rash [adjective]
careless or unwise, without thought for what might happen or result:
He made a rash decision and purchased a used vehicle without having it inspected.
1651. rationale [noun]
the reasons or intentions that cause a particular set of beliefs or actions:
During the debate, the politician must explain his rationale for his position on the argument.
1652. raucous [adjective]
loud and unpleasant:
Raucous laughter came from the next room.
1653. reactant [noun]
a chemical substance that reacts with another:
Hydrogen is a reactant which when combined with oxygen can make water.
1654. reactionary [adjective]
opposed to political or social change or new ideas:
The new president believes some of the government’s reactionary policies should be changed.
1655. rebut [verb]
to argue that a statement or claim is not true:
The defense attorney tried hard to rebut the prosecutor’s accusation about the defendant.
1656. recalcitrant [adjective]
unwilling to do what you are asked or ordered to do, even if it is reasonable:
The recalcitrant teenager gets into trouble every day.
1657. recant [verb]
to announce in public that your past beliefs or statements were wrong or not true and that you no longer agree with them:
The judge ordered the magazine to recant the false statements about the actress.
1658. recapitulate [verb]
to repeat the main points of an explanation or description:
At the start of each class, the professor will recapitulate yesterday’s lecture.
1659. reciprocal [adjective]
operating for both, especially equally or to a similar degree:
We have agreed to exchange information about our two companies, but strictly on a reciprocal basis.
1660. recluse [adjective]
marked by withdrawal from society:
He was a recluse and quite child.
1661. recoil [verb]
to move back because of fear or disgust:
I recoiled from the smell and the filth.
1662. recondite [adjective]
not known about by many people and difficult to understand:
Because genetic engineering is so complicated, few people choose to work in this recondite area of research.
1663. recriminate [verb]
to return an accusation against someone or engage in mutual accusations:
When he was called into civil court by his landlord, the defendant decided to recriminate him a counter-claim for the return of his deposit.
1664. recrudesce [verb]
to break out or become active again:
The epidemic recrudesced after a period of quiescence.
1665. redact [verb]
to remove words or information from a text before it is printed or made available to the public:
The editor had to redact what was private in the court documents before releasing it to the media.
1666. redemption [noun]
the act of exchanging shares or bonds for cash:
For redemptions of $50,000 or more, you must include a signature guarantee for each owner.
1667. redolent [adjective]
smelling strongly of something or having qualities that make you think of something else:
The mountain air was redolent with the scent of pine needles.
1668. redouble [verb]
to make something much stronger:
We must redouble our efforts to provide help quickly.
1669. redoubtable [adjective]
producing respect and a little fear in others:
He is going to face the most redoubtable opponent of his boxing career tonight.
1670. redound [verb]
to have a result that is an advantage to someone:
A good relationship with one's colleagues redounds to everyone's benefit.
1671. redress [verb]
to put right a wrong or give payment for a wrong that has been done:
The association had called for a substantial rise to redress a 30% decline in salaries.
1672. reflex [noun]
a physical reaction to something that you cannot control:
The doctor tapped the patient’s knee with a hammer to see if he could get trigger a reflex.
1673. refractory [adjective]
difficult to control:
Because the prisoner acts in a refractory manner, he is accompanied by four guards whenever he leaves his cell.
1674. refulgent [adjective]
shining with a bright light:
The sunlight appeared refulgent on the church’s window.
1675. refute [verb]
to prove a statement, opinion, or belief to be wrong or false:
The evidence provided by the prosecutor will refute the defendant’s claim of innocence.
1676. regale [verb]
to entertain someone with stories or jokes:
The chef hoped his meal would regale the guests.
1677. regress [verb]
to return to a previous and less advanced or worse state, condition, or way of behaving:
When he stopped playing sports, he regressed to old habits and became more distant.
1678. reign [verb]
to rule a country, or to have power or control:
Queen Victoria reigned over Britain from 1837 to 1901.
1679. rejoinder [noun]
a quick answer, often given in a way that is competitive or amusing:
The boy was chastised when he responded to the teacher with a sarcastic rejoinder.
1680. rejuvenate [verb]
to make someone look or feel young and energetic again:
He has decided to rejuvenate the team by bringing in a lot of new, young players.
1681. relegate [verb]
to put someone or something into a lower or less important rank or position:
After the lead actors had been repeatedly late for rehearsal, the director decided to relegate them to the chorus and replace them with their understudies.
1682. relentless [adjective]
continuing in a severe or extreme way:
The relentless marshal pursued the escaped prisoner for ten years.
1683. relish [verb]
to like or enjoy something:
I enjoyed our vacation, but didn’t relish the twenty-hour trip back home.
1684. remedial [adjective]
intended to correct something that is wrong or to improve a bad situation:
According to the doctor, a remedial surgery on my knee will improve my mobility.
1685. reminisce [verb]
to talk or write about past experiences that you remember with pleasure:
When I eat sugar cookies, I reminisce about the childhood hours I spent making the treats with my grandmother.
1686. remiss [adjective]
careless and not doing a duty well enough:
If I let you go without food, I would be remiss in my responsibilities as a parent.
1687. remnant [noun]
a small piece or amount of something that is left from a larger original piece or amount:
The abandoned plant was a remnant of the town’s once thriving economy.
1688. remonstrate [verb]
to complain to someone or about something:
I went to the boss to remonstrate against the new rules.
1689. remorse [noun]
a feeling of sadness and being sorry for something you have done:
The psychopath appeared content and showed no remorse during the murder trial.
1690. rend [verb]
to tear or break something violently:
They rent the cloth to shreds.
1691. renege [verb]
to fail to keep a promise or an agreement, etc.:
Although my father made a promise to extend my curfew, he later decided to renege upon his word and ordered me home by eleven.
1692. reparation [noun]
payment for harm or damage:
The company had to make reparation to the zoo animals who suffered ill health as a result of chemical pollution.
1693. repartee [noun]
quick and usually funny answers and remarks in conversation:
The repartee between the two actors made the movie really funny.
1694. repast [noun]
a meal:
Hoping to enjoy a romantic repast with her husband, she prepared his favorite dishes and lit candles.
1695. repel [verb]
to force away something unwanted:
Because the dinner is being served outside, we’ll use special candles to repel insects from the table.
1696. repentant [adjective]
feeling sorry for something that you have done:
The little boy was quite repentant for hitting his sister and apologized many times.
1697. repine [verb]
to feel sad or complain about something, especially a bad situation:
While in prison the man did nothing but repine for his freedom.
1698. repose [noun]
the state of resting or lying down:
When you begin to meditate, you need to sit in repose and try to empty your mind of all thoughts.
1699. reprehensible [adjective]
deserving blame:
Although it was not a crime, his conduct was thoroughly reprehensible.
1700. reprise [noun]
a repeat of something:
The actor is planning a reprise of his role in the play.