【完全版】GRE英単語例文集⑥|501. demarcate~600. diverge
本サイトはGRE General Test 攻略のための必須英単語 2163に掲載されている英単語の例文集⑥(501. demarcate~600. diverge)です。
GRE General Test攻略のための必須英単語2163|501. demarcate~600. diverge
501. demarcate [verb]
to show the limits of something:
The fence was put in place to demarcate one piece of property from the next.
502. demeaning [adjective]
causing someone to become or feel less respected:
The manager dismissed Brenda’s ideas in a demeaning tone that made her feel like the stupidest person in the room.
503. demeanor [noun]
a way of looking and behaving:
Jack’s disruptive demeanor got him kicked out of school for a week.
504. dementia [noun]
a medical condition that affects especially old people, causing the memory and other mental abilities to gradually become worse, and leading to confused behavior:
She is suffering from senile dementia.
505. demise [noun]
the end of the operation or existence of something:
The demise of the company was sudden and unexpected.
506. demographics [noun]
the statistical characteristics of human populations such as age or income used especially to identify markets:
The demographics of the country have changed dramatically in recent years.
507. demonize [verb]
to try to make someone or a group of people seem completely evil:
In divorce court, the bitter wife tried to demonize her ex and pain him in a bad light to the judge.
508. demotic [adjective]
used by ordinary people:
Demotic scripts were different from traditional Egyptian communication in that they were scribed with business and not traditional wording.
509. demur [verb]
to express disagreement or refuse to do something:
He raised his hand to demur but wasn’t allowed to protest.
510. denigrate [verb]
to say that someone or something is not good or important:
On the talk show, the mean host usually tries to denigrate her guests by reminding them of their misdeeds.
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511. denizen [noun]
an animal, plant, or person that lives in or is often in a particular place:
My husband is a denizen of the sand who practically lives at the beach.
512. denouement [noun]
the final part of a work of literature, after the climax:
The film ended with a denouement that left the audience speechless.
513. denounce [verb]
to criticize something or someone strongly and publicly:
We must denounce injustice and oppression.
514. deplete [verb]
to reduce something in size or amount, especially supplies of energy, money, etc.:
When we continually cut down forests, we are choosing to deplete one of our greatest resources.
515. deplorable [adjective]
very bad:
Many of the refugees are forced to live under deplorable conditions.
516. deportation [noun]
the action of forcing someone to leave a country, especially someone who has no legal right to be there or who has broken the law:
Due to the father’s criminal behavior, his whole family faced deportation to their country.
517. depose [verb]
to remove someone important from a powerful position:
A coalition of countries is trying to depose the island dictator.
518. deposition [noun]
a formal written statement made or used in a law court:
After the deposition of the president, the vice-president was asked to lead the country.
519. deprecate [verb]
to say that you think something is of little value or importance:
He is a good coach because he does not deprecate the players even when they make mistakes.
520. depreciate [verb]
to cause something to lose value, especially over time:
The new car starts to depreciate in value as soon as it is driven off the lot.
521. deride [verb]
to laugh at someone or something in a way that shows you think they are stupid or of no value:
If the police do not intervene, the fans of the winning team will deride those of the losing team as they leave the arena.
522. derivative [adjective]
having parts that originate from another source:
His painting is very derivative.
523. descent [noun]
a way down, such as a path, or an act of coming down:
The plane began its final descent into the airport.
524. descry [verb]
to see or notice something or someone:
After conducting experiments for several years, the scientist was able to descry the cause of the disease.
525. desecrate [verb]
to damage or show no respect towards something holy or very much respected:
Do not desecrate the temple by speaking loudly during your visit.
526. desiccate [verb]
to remove the moisture from something so it becomes completely dry; to lose all moisture and become completely dry:
The bricks were totally desiccated by the sun.
527. desolate [adjective]
having no living things:
Since the anchor stores closed, the shopping center has become a desolate wasteland.
528. desuetude [noun]
the principle that laws can stop having any legal force when they have not been used for a long time:
The dusty typewriter has been in desuetude for over four decades.
529. desultory [adjective]
without a clear plan or purpose and showing little effort or interest:
Because he was not happy with his pay increase, James made only a desultory effort to complete his duties at work.
530. deterrent [noun]
something that deters people from doing something:
When I saw the security guard in the store, I knew he was there as a theft deterrent.
531. detest [verb]
to hate someone or something very much:
The animal activists detest people who purchase fur coats.
532. detract [verb]
to make something seem less valuable or less deserving of admiration:
The publicity could detract from our election campaign.
533. detraction [noun]
a lessening of reputation or esteem especially by envious, malicious, or petty criticism:
Weak men are crushed by detraction, but the brave hold on and succeed.
534. detrimental [adjective]
causing harm or damage:
My grandmother still does not own a microwave because she believes the radiation could be detrimental to her health.
535. devalue [verb]
to cause someone or something to be considered less valuable or important:
Last year, Mexico was forced to devalue the peso.
536. devoid [adjective]
to lack or be without something that is necessary or usual:
We need rainfall or the lake will be devoid of water.
537. devolve [verb]
to give power or a responsibility to a person or group that is at a lower level or has less authority:
A law was passed to devolve some powers of the central government to regional councils.
538. dialectical [adjective]
discovering what is true by considering opposite theories:
Hegel detected this dialectical progression in the progress of human consciousness and intellectual-emotional growth.
539. diaphanous [adjective]
characterized by such fineness of texture as to permit seeing through:
Mary found it quite easy to see through the diaphanous drapes.
540. diatribe [noun]
an angry speech or piece of writing that severely criticizes something or someone:
Because Sheila was unhappy with the administration, she launched a lengthy diatribe against the board during lunch.
541. dichotomy [noun]
the division of two things that are completely different:
His dichotomy of heaven and hell became an excellent essay on the contrast between paradise and eternal suffering.
542. dictum [noun]
a short statement, especially one expressing advice or a general truth:
Because Jason didn't follow the safety dictum, he was suspended from the football team.
543. didactic [adjective]
intended to teach, or to improve morals by teaching:
While the professor’s lectures were designed to be didactic, they only served to confuse the students.
544. differentiate [verb]
to show or find the difference between things that are compared:
The cashier told me a sticker would differentiate the regular cheeseburger from the cheeseburger without pickles.
545. diffident [adjective]
shy and not confident of your abilities:
Because she felt unattractive, Mary was diffident and kept to herself at parties.
546. diffuse [verb]
to cause something to spread in many directions:
They used the essential oils to diffuse fragrance throughout the entire room.
547. digression [noun]
the action of moving away from the main subject you are writing or talking about and writing or talking about something else:
The elderly professor would sometimes make a digression and talk about his lake house instead of physics.
548. dilate [verb]
to cause a part of the body to become wider or further open:
The doctor will repair the narrowed blood vessels by inserting a tube to dilate them.
549. dilatory [adjective]
slow and likely to cause delay:
The government has been dilatory in dealing with the problem of unemployment.
550. dilettante [noun]
a person who is or seems to be interested in a subject, but whose understanding of it is not very deep or serious:
When it comes to learning how to play the guitar, my daughter is a dilettante who will practice one day but not the next day.
551. din [noun]
a loud, unpleasant confused noise that lasts for a long time:
The din from my neighbor’s party will probably keep me up all night.
552. diplomat [noun]
an official whose job is to represent one country in another, and who usually works in an embassy:
He's a U.S. diplomat assigned to the embassy in London.
553. dire [adjective]
very serious or extreme:
Despite dire threats of violence from extremist groups, the protest passed off peacefully.
554. dirge [noun]
a slow sad song or piece of music, sometimes played because someone has died:
My teenage daughter was bored by the music at the opera and referred to it as one long funeral dirge.
555. disabuse [verb]
to cause someone no longer to have a wrong idea:
Because my cousin is an environmental activist, she tries to disabuse people of the idea that wasting water does not matter.
556. disaffection [noun]
the quality of no longer supporting or being satisfied with a system, organization, or idea:
There are signs of growing disaffection among voters.
557. discerning [adjective]
able to make or usually making careful judgments about the quality of similar things:
The discerning customer will recognize this as a high-quality product.
558. disciplinary [adjective]
connected with the punishment of people who break the rules:
Disciplinary action was taken by the principal after the student refused to listen to the teacher.
559. discomfit [verb]
to make someone feel uncomfortable, especially mentally:
The news about the prison escape will discomfit many people who were planning on attending the parade.
560. discordant [adjective]
used to describe something that is not in agreement with something else:
The two experiments gave us discordant results.
561. discredit [noun]
loss of respect for or belief in someone or something:
The way Leonard responded to the customer was a discredit to the company’s service policy.
562. discreet [adjective]
careful not to cause embarrassment or attract a lot of attention:
He is very discreet in giving his opinions at meetings.
563. discrepancy [noun]
a difference between two things that should be the same:
The police were confused by the discrepancy between the testimonies of the two witnesses who saw the same event.
564. discrete [adjective]
clearly separate or different in shape or form:
Though they are both citrus, lemons and limes are two discrete fruits.
565. discretion [noun]
the ability to behave without causing embarrassment or attracting too much attention, especially by keeping information secret:
Parents should have the discretion to determine which television programs their children may watch.
566. discretionary [adjective]
available to someone by choice, without having to get permission or authority:
The company used to give discretionary bonus payments.
567. discrimination [noun]
the practice of treating particular people, companies, or products differently from others, especially in an unfair way:
Carol is an attorney who works to help fight gender discrimination in the workplace.
568. discursive [adjective]
talking about or dealing with subjects that are only slightly connected with the main subject for longer than necessary:
When the writer was drunk, he often talked for hours in a discursive manner.
569. disdain [verb]
to look on with scorn:
The older musicians disdain the new, rock-influenced music.
570. disinclination [noun]
a feeling of not wanting to do something:
He felt a disinclination to take music lessons.
571. disingenuous [adjective]
slightly dishonest, or not speaking the complete truth:
Although the politician promised to be open and honest during the election, he later became disingenuous and hid important facts from the voters.
572. disinterested [adjective]
having no personal involvement or receiving no personal advantage, and therefore free to act fairly:
A lawyer should provide disinterested advice.
573. disjointed [adjective]
not well connected or well ordered:
The script was disjointed and hard to follow.
574. dismay [noun]
a feeling of unhappiness and disappointment:
To the children’s dismay, there was not enough snow in the yard to build a snowman.
575. dismiss [verb]
to formally ask or order someone to leave:
Because of a decline in sales, the company owner has no choice but to dismiss a few workers.
576. disparage [verb]
to criticize someone or something in a way that shows a lack of respect:
I cannot believe that you belittle and disparage people who have little in common with you.
577. disparate [adjective]
different in every way:
Scientists are trying to pull together disparate ideas in astronomy.
578. disparity [noun]
a lack of equality or similarity, especially in a way that is not fair:
There is great disparity between the amount of work that I do and what I get paid for it.
579. disperse [verb]
to spread across or move away over a large area, or to make something do this:
As soon as the last bell rings, students disperse out of the building and head to their buses.
580. dispose [verb]
to make someone feel a particular, and often bad, way toward someone else, or to influence someone in a particular way:
His criminal record does not dispose me to trust him.
581. dispossess [verb]
to take property, especially buildings or land, away from someone or a group of people:
Once the real estate investor neglected to pay his property taxes, the government took action to dispossess his land.
582. disquiet [verb]
to take away the peace or tranquility of:
The novel is a tense thriller that will disquiet the reader.
583. dissemble [verb]
to hide your real intentions and feelings or the facts:
While it may be easier to dissemble your true feelings from others, it is always best to be honest with those you love.
584. disseminate [verb]
to spread or give out news, information, ideas, etc. to many people:
After the presidential election, it would not take long for the media to disseminate the results to living rooms across the United States.
585. dissent [verb]
to disagree with other people about something:
The farmers are sure to dissent on the proposed land tax increase.
586. disservice [noun]
an action that harms something or someone:
She has done a great disservice to her cause by suggesting that violence is justifiable.
587. dissident [adjective]
publicly disagreeing with and criticizing your government or political party:
He was a dissident candidate of the Liberal Party.
588. dissipate [verb]
to gradually disappear or waste:
According to meteorologists, the storm will dissipate after a few hours and make way for the sunshine.
589. dissolute [adjective]
showing a lack of good character and morals:
When I was young, I was rather dissolute and only hung out with people who got into troubles for behaving improperly.
590. dissolution [noun]
the act or process of ending an official organization or legal agreement:
The president announced the dissolution of the National Assembly.
591. dissonance [noun]
a combination of sounds or musical notes that are not pleasant when heard together:
If Congress can explain the dissonance between their promises and their actual results, the public would be happy to hear the explanation.
592. dissuade [verb]
to persuade someone not to do something:
Jealous people will always try to dissuade you from trying to be successful.
593. distaff [adjective]
He is my uncle on the distaff side.
594. distaste [noun]
a dislike of something that you find unpleasant or unacceptable:
I have a mild distaste for anything bitter, but I would certainly eat those foods if I were hungry enough.
595. distend [verb]
to swell and become large, especially because of pressure from inside:
The balloon was distended because of filling of hydrogen.
596. distill [verb]
to make a liquid stronger or purer by heating it until it changes to a gas and then cooling it so that it changes back into a liquid:
The writers were asked to distill the most important points of their articles and put them into one sentence.
597. distrait [adjective]
apprehensively divided or withdrawn in attention:
When she goes to work tired, Hannah is both distrait and easily distracted.
598. dither [verb]
to be unable to make a decision about doing something:
The politician began to dither and stutter when asked his stance on the issue.
599. diurnal [adjective]
being active or happening during the day rather than at night:
In the desert, there are few diurnal animals because of the high daytime temperatures.
600. diverge [verb]
to go in different directions from the same point, or to become different:
The interstate began to diverge into two exit ramps.